Book Review: Catching Teller Crow

Kwaymullina, A., & Kwaymullina, E. (2018). Catching Teller Crow. Allen & Unwin.

Beth Teller is dead. She died in a car accident. But she can’t leave her police officer dad when he’s so sad. She tries to help him with a new case… a case that turns up dark truths about past injustices in a small, remote town.

A poignant, well written book in the magic realism/mystery genre suitable for year 7 to year 8 students. Meets the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures cross-curricular priority. Not a page turner, but becomes more absorbing in the final quarter. Useful short notes at the end about Aboriginal storytelling and views of the world – nonlinear and animate – as well as historical injustice. Authors are Palyku from Pilbara WA: a brother and sister team.

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